The advice varies according to the type of hysterectomy.
The shortest length of stay in hospital is after a laparoscopic hysterectomy. The modern approach to this operation is as a day case procedure meaning you stay in hospital for less than 24 hours. Most women will be discharged in 1-2 days. You may feel tired for the first few days after surgery and find yourself napping a lot. This is because your body is concentrating on healing itself.
The advice after hysterectomy is to rest, this does not mean complete bed rest. Women can expect to potter about the house but still need to take things easy and in most cases should have someone around for the first few days. Most women at this stage will still need to take some painkillers. Depending on the strength of this medication they will be advised not to operate machinery and if the medication contains “opiates” strong painkillers they may be advised not to use a hot kettle. Recovery after a laparoscopic hysterectomy will take about 1-2 weeks for the majority of women and return to work can take as little as 2-4 weeks. Of course this depends on the type of job you do.
If you work from home it is possible to undertake some work within the first week.
By the end of the week it should be possible to negotiate stairs and even visit the “corner shop” to by the newspaper. It may be best to be accompanied on the first venture out doors.
Lifting: it is important not to lift heavy objects immediately after major surgery. This includes lifting children as is often tempting. Hovering also works the muscles of the abdomen and pelvic floor it is important not to under take this activity for the first 4 weeks
Driving may take up to 2 weeks after a laparoscopic hysterectomy; you need to be free from the effects of painkillers. The advice is that if you are able to sit in a car that does an emergency stop without any discomfort. Other things you should be able to do before you drive are:
Be able to sit in the car comfortably and work the controls
Be able to wear the seatbelt comfortably
Be able to make an emergency stop
Be able to comfortably look over your shoulder to manoeuvre.
For the vaginal hysterectomy hospital stay is usually 2-3 days and return to normal activity 2-4 weeks.
For the traditional abdominal open hysterectomy recovery can somewhat be delayed as because as well as internal healing the outside scar also needs time to heal. Hospital stay is longer and can take up to 4-5 days and recovery takes about 6 weeks